Monday, September 13, 2010

The Simpsons v Family Guy - Part One: Homer Simpson v Peter Griffin

Homer Simpson is the archetype of the anti-American Dad (no reference to the other Seth McFarlane show intended). When he is not strangling his son Bart, he is either neglecting his kids to go drinking or imparting life lessons like 'two wrongs make a right'. His selfish treatment of his wife Marge has led to their marriage almost breaking down more times than fans can remember. He routinely does stupid things like sell his soul for a doughnut, and invest in pumpkins on the belief that they will peak around January. He's hilariously funny but if you knew him in real life you would go running in the opposite direction.

Peter Griffin is, in many respects, the hyper-Homer: he's fatter, louder, angrier, drunker, stupider, dirtier, lazier, and even more likely to drop a pop culture reference. His abuse of his daughter Meg makes Homer look like the model of compassion. His selfish treatment of his wife Lois borders on the misogynistic. He routinely does stupid things like saying he has to work late while on the phone in the other room and bringing home a mentally retarded horse as a housepet. He's hilariously funny but if you knew him in real life you would take a Peter-copter in the opposite direction.

So why is Homer more likable? Homer Simpson is more likely to give you a wide-eyed stare of childish puzzlement, Peter Griffin is more likely to give you a knowing wink. Consider, for example, their respective experience with homosexuals, in the episodes 'Homer's Phobia' and 'Family Gay'. Homer spends most of 'Homer's Phobia' ranting about how much he dislikes homosexuals, while Peter (thanks to his being injected with the 'gay gene') actually spends most of 'Family Gay' experiencing life as a homosexual. Yet of the two, you feel that Homer comes out the more enlightened. By the episode's end Homer has learnt to see, in his own way, a view of the world beyond his own. Peter, on the other hand, transforms from hyper-Homer to hyper-homosexual and back again, with little hint that the experience has taught him anything. To put it another way: Homer gives himself and his audience room to grow, while Peter is too busy sneering at the audience to grow. And that's enough to make Homer our winner.

Edge: Homer Simpson

Simpsons 1-0


  1. Simpsons are SUXX. Hate it. Vote at

  2. FG is Simpsons to the next level. Probably nearer to reality? SimpWorld can be a bit fuzzywuzzy touchy feely where most things pan out ok. And who's right to imply, especially re: Homers gay episode,or any perspective changing happy outcome, that everyone is better for it, or will change viewpoint. This surely does not always happen to us? Some people think a certain way, and thats it. Lack of change after insight (if it may be termed thus) does not make for a bad person, cartoon or otherwise. Always bend to someone else's criteria yourselves? I thought not. So it goes. Simps V. FG? I love 'em both, there's room for both, they themselves portray different pespectives at different times that are opposing and variable. Lets keep them both around!.No clear winner today, just me, the viewer!
